We are always so full of good intentions in January. Resolutions abound, and we are all seeking ways to be better, to do better.
Fast forward a couple weeks, maybe 3 months at most, and where have all those good intentions gone? No doubt they've been swept away by the current of our everyday habits, which gradually but ceaselessly erode our commitment to changing, instead seeking a smooth return to the status quo. And we give up. But if we dig a little deeper, we'll find that at the source of each of those habits is a thought. And if we can change our thoughts, we can change our habits. And if we can change our habits, then all our good intentions might actually amount to something; a positive lasting change, that leads us to wherever it is we want to be. However, changing our thoughts, especially ones we've been committed to thinking for years and years, is easier said than done. That's when we have to examine the why behind wanting the change. Why are we setting this as our intention? Why do we seek this change? What is our motivation? When we gather a sense of the truth in our purpose, actual lasting change becomes not only possible, but probable. And since Roman Chamomile is considered the Oil of Spiritual Purpose, I can think of no better oil to infuse my days now, at the turning of the year. Used by ancient Romans to give them courage and clarity of mind in times of war, Roman Chamomile supports an individual in discovering their true purpose AND finding the courage to live it. By easing the overactive "ego-mind," it can assist us in shedding the meaningless, and bring focus to the fulfilling. It reminds us to not be defined by our past experiences. We are so much more than the sum of what we have done. We are more than our "life situation," our relationships, our career, our finances. We are divine energy in motion; living, breathing perfection. Roman Chamomile can remind us of that, and give us the courage to act like it. In asana, Roman Chamomile can serves two purposes... ~ Swept over the third eye in seated meditation to help center our body, clear our mind and clarify our purpose ~ Rubbed onto the soles of the feet and the pulse points during savasana can take our relaxation to a place of deep and all encompassing peace.
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AuthorI love incorporating doTerra essential oils ~ and all things holistic and natural ~ into my life, my home, my practice and my classes. Archives
June 2018
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